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Clarissa A. Murray

"Never Lose Yourself In Fear"

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Hi, I’m Clarissa 

Political Science Student & Peer Mentor 

I am currently a senior at Bloomsburg University and studying Political Science with a concentration in Legal Studies. While obtaining my degree I was given the pleasure to work with the Act 101/EOP department on Bloomsburg campus. Becoming a peer mentor to incoming freshman students sparked an interest for advocating our youth. By being active on campus and showing my students that our campus had more to offer than academics, I began to have an interest in rugby. By playing rugby for a semester, it became an outlet to release stress and help make new relationships along the way. 

Women's Club Rugby 

Bloomsburg Women's Rugby is your 2019 Division II MARC Champion. With a 84- 3 win over Temple University, Bloomsburg University claimed their 5th consecutive title. 

Introducing Act 101/EOP

The Act 101 program at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania is a comprehensive academic, social and cultural support program designed to assist selected students in achieving academic excellence. Through the Act 101 program, Bloomsburg University provides intrusive academic advising, research-based academic retention programs, and activities and community engagement opportunities. All Act 101 programs and initiatives are designed to cultivate core strengths in the areas of academic self-confidence, self-advocacy, 21st Century Life Skills, and community engagement. These core strengths are developed by providing Act 101 students access to tutoring, supplemental instruction, mentoring, intrusive academic advising and intensive academic support.


Work Hard, Play Harder

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